You never think your insurance claim will ever get denied until you see if for yourself. Well, many people are feeling the same way after they get a notice in the mail. There is still an option! You are eligible to reopen if:
- There’s added damages that you forgot to list on your previous claims.
- Your insurer only gave you money for repairs and not for the valued amount of replacement.
- You didn’t get the correct amount of compensation that you should have gotten.
Reasons For Why Your Claim Was Denied:
Insurance companies deny claims on a daily basis for various reasons. They are not in the business to give policy holders money in fact sometimes they give less than what they should give or just deny the claim completely. Common reasons why claims are denied are:
- Not reporting the damages on time. You should always file your claim as soon as you can because the longer you wait, the higher chance for your insurance to deny or get you the less amount of compensation.
- Not paying your premium at all or on time. Always be consistent in paying for your policy.
- Giving incorrect information. Providing false documentation to your insurance policy will result in a denied claim by default.
- Not giving enough evidence. This will often result in getting your claims denied.
- Exclusion clause. You should know what is included or not included in your policy because if you are filing for a claim that is not under your policy or exclusion clause then it will be denied
- Not mitigating damages. Not taking preventative measures to your damaged home will cause you to have your claim denied. It is held within your responsibilities to protect the damage area from becoming more damaged than it already is.
Aftermath of A Denied Claim
You are probably confused and wondering what you should do after a denied claim. You can either leave it alone, contact your insurance company or hire a public adjuster. Here’s what you should do if you get your claim denied:
- Read your policy again. The point of this is to look for things that you misunderstood or misread especially in your exclusions clause of your insurance policy.
- Look at your letter of denial. Look to see if you filed the right damage.
- Look through all the documents you gave them. Make sure you have given them all the documents that they have asked for because insurance agents make mistakes too.
- Enlist a public adjuster. If you still don’t understand why you’ve gotten your claim denied, where you went wrong in the process or even if you feel like there’s some discrepancies, call an experienced Churchill public adjuster to advice you!
Reopening A Claim
Public adjusters are certified in helping you reopen your insurance claim. They will assist you step by step in making sure the process goes as smoothly as possible. You will need to provide the following:
- Your name, email, and phone number (for contact information purposes)
- Address of where the damage took place
- Insurance company, policy number, and claim number
- The location and date of when the damaged happened
- If you’ve already been compensated, give the amount
- Your insurance adjusters information (if you can obtain it)
- Description of all the damages
Can I reopen a claim with a cancelled insurance?
Reopening a claim with a cancelled insurance depends upon every insurance company. However, if you have already signed a form of release, your reopen claim will get denied.
Can a public adjuster help me reverse my claim(s)?
They most likely can, of course it depends on what your claim is and how long its been. Most insurance companies often overlook your claims and can sometimes make mistakes so yes you can reverse your denied claims.